Adventures in Web Design

This website has been a long time coming. I am most certainly not a web designer, and have little to no skills in that area, yet I knew a website was necessary as my debut book release date drew closer. So, I looked around at all of my author friends web pages and asked them questions like: who designed your site, which platform do you use, etc.

Earlier this year I made an attempt at building a website using a different platform and it ended with me nearly pulling my hair out. So I scrapped it and focused on other things for a while. But, fast forward to August and I couldn’t put it off any longer. So, here we are. It’s basic, it’s somewhat utilitarian, and I like it. Not only that, but I think the main character of my first three books, Vivian, would like it too, which is important since I will be talking about her a lot here.

Oh hey, and guess what? This is my first ever blog post. 2020 is definitely a year full of firsts for me, good and bad. All of that aside, I cannot overlook the absolute turmoil our country is in right now. So I will leave you with this: wear a mask, wash your damn hands, vote on November 3rd, and Black Lives Matter.
